Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe Metallische Werkstoffe
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Metallische Werkstoffe Metallische Werkstoffe
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Metallische Werkstoffe Metallische Werkstoffe
contact Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe Metallische Werkstoffe
Prof. M. Rettenmayr
Metallische Werkstoffe Metallische Werkstoffe
PD Dr. Schnapp
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Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe Metallische Werkstoffe Metallische Werkstoffe Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe Metallische Werkstoffe Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
Opportunities for theses (Studien-,  Diplom- und Bachelorarbeiten)

Professor M. Rettenmayr
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe Diploma theses and other student research work in the Metallic Materials Department are frequently in collaboration with other research groups or industrial partners. The subjects are regularly adapted, depending on the requirements of these collaborations. The subjects listed below are meant to give an orientation about the research possibilities, but not to provide all-ready picks.
In a personal conversation with Prof. Rettenmayr personal preferences should be identified and included in the planned research work. The available subjects for theses are NOT limited to the ones mentioned below. 
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
subject 1 ”oxidation behavior of Ni-Ti alloys“
Metallische Werkstoffe Ni-Ti alloys are frequently used as medical implant alloys. Body tissue and body fluid are protected from the Ni in the alloy by a protective oxide layer that consists of almost pure titanium oxide. However, the protective function of the oxide layer depends strongly on crystal defects and macroscopic defects. For tayloring the properties of the oxide layer, annealing experiments with different oxygen isotopes will be carried out, the oxidation kinetics will be  characterized by gravimetry and Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
subject  2 ”fragmentation of dendrites“
Metallische Werkstoffe Fragmentation of dendrites is a fundamental phenomenon that has so far rarely been studied, despite its impact on technical applications: fragmentation can lead to defects  and microstructural transitions in cast parts,  leading to enormous financial burdens in industry. Conditions that occur during technical processes will be generated in the laboratory, fragmentation will be quantified.
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
subject  3 ”development of shape memory allyos for architecture“
Metallische Werkstoffe Shape memory alloys are an interesting class of metallic materials, even though their use in technical applications is still limited. A new idea suggested by civil engineers is to adapt shape memory alloys to applications in architecture. For this the production process (melting, heat treatment, mechanical deformation) needs to be re-optimized. After each production step the alloys will be characterized metallographically and concerning the phase transformation temperatures. This project is in collaboration with the Civil Engineering Department at BU Weimar
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
subject  4 ”simulation of the evolution of concentration distributions in multicomponent alloys“
Metallische Werkstoffe Inhomogeneous element distributions in cast alloys can lead to severe problems during their application. An example is the corrosion behavior that depends strongly on the local composition. With one-dimensional microsegregation models, the element and phase distribution can be predicted quite reliably, so that simulations can be used to optimize solidification or annealing parameters in technical applications. In the project, an existing program code will be made more user friendly, so that it can not only be used by experts, but also by users with only basic knowledge on solidification structures and phase diagrams. This project is in collaboration with GTT Technologies, Aachen.
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
Metallische Werkstoffe
subject  5 ”Establishment of a database for the atomic mobility during diffusion“
Metallische Werkstoffe In diffusion calculations, generally simple differential equations are used, following the early formalism of A. Fick. The complexitiy of the diffusion process is frequently included by introducing sophisticated dependencies of the diffusion coefficient (see e.g. 'thermodynamic factor' in lecture notes 'Metalle'). It has been shown in the literature that diffusion in multicomponent systems can be more easily treated, if instead of the diffusion coefficient the atomic mobility is used as kinetic constant. In the thesis a data base is to be built up that contains atomic mobilities of alloying elements in Aluminium. For this, concentration gradients will be convertet to potential gradients, the mobilities will be determined by comparing calculated concentration profiles generated with the two different methods. 
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Metallische Werkstoffe
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